I first of all wanted to perform quality works, offering as such added value to the networks built for our customers.
Sorin BOGDAN, manager
Connexion Group was set up in 2000 foreseeing the fact that fiber optic networks are the future in communications. We were the first company in Romania offering splicing and fiber optic measurements for telecommunication operators.
All started from our personal experience accumulating since 1994 in fiber optic networks implementation. As was no skilled personnel in this field of activity, a priority was employees training, consequently Connexion Group became the first private company which held training courses in fiber optic splicer profession.
Constant personnel training led employees achieve amazing performances and evolution made them create their own path in their professional development. Some of company’s employees opened their own businesses while others hold important positions in different companies in the field, and some have been examples to follow, teaching people the secrets of fiber optic splicer profession.
Connexion Group, as to add value to the built fiber optic networks, puts first the quality of the works and services performed. This constant concern in developing quality led to the set up in 2012 of the FIBER OPTIC ASSOCIATION from ROMANIA. An important role of this association was to amend legislation and regulations in the field. A remarkable achievement was in 2014 when AFOR succeeded to register with occupations register the FIBER OPTIC SPLICER PROFESSION. One year later contributed to OPTIKLINE company set up which trains in fiber optic professional field.
Connexion Group has been participating from the very beginning to all fiber optic great projects in Romania. We accepted all challenges for company development, depending on customers’ needs, being an example to be followed by those wanting to work in this field, and with no exception we had done each time what we promised.
After 20 years of activity we reached a level of expertise and professional standards recommending us as reliable partners for the companies looking to develop projects in fiber optic field and ask for our services.
For more details, technical information and specialized advice, contact us!
T: 0745 388 656
M: contact@connexiongroup.ro